Promotions & Offers

Offers and Promotions provided by R J Sanderson & Associates.
Media Release 2023
- Black Friday Sale

2024 Fringe Benefits Tax Questionnaire

We have prepared the 2024 FBT questionnaire for you. This is an editable PDF document that allows you to choose the most convenient method of completion.


Land Tax Apportionment in Victoria

In a significant shift in property taxation, the State Government of Victoria has introduced new legislation, effective from 1 January 2024, that impacts the apportionment of land tax during property transactions. This change, part of the State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 2023, brings about a notable alteration in the way land tax is handled at the time of property sale.


Rental Property Taxation Guide 2023

This guide explains HOW to treat rental income & WHAT expenses you can claim.


3 Tips to Increase Your Tax Refund

We share some ideas to help you increase your tax refund


Rental Property Update May 2023

Claim all entitled deductions by requesting our free Rental Property Guide. Property values in Capital Cities dipped 8.4% in 12 months but recently rebounded with a 1.4% increase. Rents surged 10.1% in 12 months across all Capital cities. Download guide and check out the rental property update for Australia here.


Real Cost of Labour Calculator

A free spreadsheet to determine fixed costs, operating costs, growth profit, and overall profit for your business.


Electric Vehicles - Common Questions Answered

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about electric vehicles and their tax implications in Australia. If you're unsure about how your EV affects your taxes, this resource provides answers to help you make informed decisions.


Engagement Notice

This Engagement Notice is to confirm our understanding of the terms of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the services that we provide for our clients.


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